Monday, September 24, 2012


1. aquarium sofa
On the right and left side of the sofa, there is an aquarium where you fish swim. Besides comfort, the sofa is unique and has a double benefit is not it?

2. aquarium toilet
Once again, the furniture in the house made ​​aquarium. This time it is a toilet seat. How would you feel if you have to pee, and witnessed by the fish?

3. aquarium car

Want to turn your car into a home for the fish? If so, the result will be like this. But it seems the fish in it looks less comfortable and familiar with the car dashboard.

4. Aquarium phone booth

In other countries, there is usually a public phone box on the side of the road. But what happens if the phone booth was converted into an aquarium? Quite unique and creative.

5. Aquarium water faucet

The aquarium is named Poor Little Fish. The design is deliberately made ​​to make people more efficient water. Because the longer the open faucet, the water shortage will be more fish!

6. Macquarium

You do not have to change the iMac into an aquarium. Use any old computer and add logo iMac to be transformed into a fish house as did Jake Harms. Nebraska Residents are indeed changing the computer so the aquarium hobby since 2007.

7. Aquariums balance

Seeing this one aquarium, you definitely anxiety and worry that it will fall. But take it easy, because the design is set up in such a way, the aquarium this balance will not fall.

8. Aquarium two lives

As the name suggests, there are two living beings who are treated in this aquarium. First is the fish, then the other is a plant. Unique is not it?

9. aquarium sink

Model aquarium this one was no less unique and creative. Because the fish were able to swim in the transparent sink you. You might be fun washing hands, looking at the fish in this aquarium!

10. Aquarium aviary

Want to maintain the bird once the fish? If so, this aquarium is the answer. Even the birds can fly and parallel to the fish that was swimming.

1 comment:

  1. That sofa aquarium; not only the body can relax when you are seating down there, but also your eyes viewing a beautiful creature.
