Monday, September 24, 2012


If you try to make the interior of your home that has more jazz concepts and joy, adding the lines is how to design them. From bright and bold, for the thin smooth lines to play with the concept of dramatic or subtle look.
For homes with the presence and the lines can bring your personal style. From the office to the kids and the family room and kitchen, the lines can be used in any room, and here are some ways to apply them.


* Mixing lines and patterns: Some think that the lines and patterns should not be mixed. Believe it or not, if you use the same color throughout your space, you can mix and match patterns of lines and will feature beauty. If you have a thick line on the wall, choose a smaller print textiles to cover furniture. For lines that are more subtle, with print bolder and bigger. You will be surprised by this wonderful couple.

* Bold lines add drama to the room: If you try to add a strong presence for your room, wide bold stripes is perfect for you. Depending on what color combination you want to use, the lines can be contrasting in color, or choose colors in the same hue to make the attraction more gentle, but still attract attention. Choose contrasting colors like black and white, or light and dark eyes to the visual display.

Vertical or horizontal? There are several theories as to the direction in placing the lines in a room. The vertical line is said to make your room so it feels higher and horizontal lines are said to make the room feel larger. Depending on the amount of natural light in your space and how much of the wall is covered by the furniture, wall art and so on. It will also help determine whether this effect was successfully applied in your home as well.

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